Monday, December 3, 2012


  1.  Describe how you used the course blog.
I used the blog to communicate my experiences as well as reflecting on my personal growth. It was nice to read about others experiences, strengths and weaknesses. I do have to say I like Blackboard better,  there were some things that I think would be discussed on a deeper level if it were not going out there for the world to see. It was inhibitive to always be cautioning oneself on what one is saying and how it may be taken.  I also used it to post some personal things that I do in my down time that I think others (class mates) would not have known about me which is perhaps a good
             2.     What has your experience been with the course blog?  
I was apprehensive about using the blog in the beginning because I had tried to help my partner with a blog he does about our farm and found it daunting. I did get the hang of it later and it was not nearly as hard as I had anticipated it would be.
    • What about this experience stands out for you?
I think what stood out most was that communication between some classmates was more personal in some ways and it was nice to see some pictures that are not able to be used on blackboard.  Resources and information sharing was about the same as it would be on blackboard
    • Did anything in particular or anyone connected with the experience stand out for you?
I really cannot say that anything in particular stood out to me other than the things mentioned above like pictures.
    • What were the advantages/disadvantages to using this over a more traditional journaling activity?
Again I would say the only advantage really is that you can see pictures and the blogs are able to be a little more personable, meaning that they have a background and a layout that the author can manipulate to fit their personality.  The disadvantages would be that one still had to go to blackboard and log in then to the blog post and then to classmates blogs and then to the URL for that student. The other disadvantage is that it is public, I believe it would be better for a class to be only between classmates and instructors, some things the world does not necessarily need to see and one always had to keep themselves in check.   
  1. What feelings were generated by the experience?
I think the feelings generated were what the author of the particular blog was feeling came through and were extended to the reader, feelings of anxiousness in light of taping sessions and having others listen were shared, feelings of happiness when one had a good experience, or sadness when one realizes that not everyone can be helped in a way that perhaps the consensus feels would be helpful.  I enjoyed reading about the same struggles and feelings that I was experiencing and it was nice to feel encouraged by peers and to encourage peers as well.  
  1. What thoughts stand out for you?
I can’t say that there are any particular thoughts that stand out for me other than trying to get used to checking the blog assignments and the blackboard assignments felt like I was doing twice the work sometimes.  Post certain things on blackboard, then post certain things on the blog, not that one stop assignments are a deal breaker; I just think if everything were in one spot I would have less of a chance of missing something.  
  1. Are you aware of any changes in thinking while using the course blog?
I am not able to say that the blog itself had any impact on my thinking changing; it was easier than I thought it was going to be so that thinking has changed.  The resources were about that same as any forum I believe.
    • How were your personal values and assumptions influenced?
My personal values and assumptions were changed only in getting to know classmates a little better perhaps. The personalization of the individual blog spots gives one a little insight into the blogger’s personality. I did learn that my assumptions about counseling in the public schools were pretty much right and still in many cases the same as they were when I was in Kentucky’s public school system, one counselor to four hundred or so  students and not much counseling going on because other duties take so much time.
Did the blog enhance reflection, if so how?
I cannot say that the blog enhanced reflection, if anything I would say it inhibited some aspect of freedom because of the notion that all of the world can see what you’re saying.  I am a less inhibited person personally but I was always reminding myself that this was a public arena, It was not a freeing notion in my personal opinion I believe that younger students would feel this inhibition more strongly.  
  1. What did you like about the blogging experience?
Again I have to say the personalized spots and the ability to share pictures.
  1. What was challenging for you about the blogging experience.
Technology is always challenging for me, so just getting things where they belonged and adding links and pictures were difficult at first, but after I got the hang of it it was a little easier. 

  1. If you could make some suggestions about using the blog in a future course, what would you suggest?
I think I would suggest that it be in a private forum if that’s possible, that way only students and instructors can see what is discussed and it would free up some hesitation to share information of a more private nature allowing uninhibited correspondence between peers and instructors.  

  1. Have you shared everything that is significant with reference to the experience? If not, what would you add?
I think I have shared everything relevant to the blog itself. I would only ad that the practicum class itself has been a very good experience. I have grown as a person and as a counselor over the past several months. I have been able to implement the teachings I have had over the past several years in sessions with clients. I have seen the techniques work as I use them, It is nice to begin to feel authentic.