Monday, October 1, 2012

The Movie

I would have to say that the movie Take the Lead is one of my favorite.  Dancing Classrooms, the program made famous in the documentary ”Mad Hot Ballroom” and the Antonio Banderas flick “Take the Lead”, both about the true story of a man named Pierre Dulaine. Neither is a film that’s just about teaching dance steps, they are about teaching much more than moving your feet.  For the past several decades there has been a drive to come up with educational methods to help young people obtain the skills that they need to grow up to be successful  adults. The Montessori Method, Waldorf Education and the Suzuki method are three of the most thorough, and effective, of those efforts. What makes these methods so successful is that they combine a clear and compelling philosophe, a systematic training for individuals who will instruct the children, a program design that fundamentally corresponds with the developmental needs of the children to be trained, and the ability to imitate the program on a large scale.
1.            The Montessori method, with a philosophy grounded in guiding a child's inner self to perfection, is completely focused on the emerging developmental needs of the child informing the Teacher about when to introduce certain learning experiences.
2.            Waldorf education is based on a holistic view of human development, providing a detailed, artistic curriculum that responds to and enhances the child's developmental phases, from early childhood through high school, enhancing academic learning through music, movement and art.
3.            The Suzuki method functions similarly: with a philosophical goal of bringing beauty to the spirit of the young child, it builds on the essential developmental drive within young children for language acquisition.
Dancing classrooms shares elements of these educational philosophies, combining a clear and compelling philosophy with a rigorous and systematic adult training model that dramatically coincides with the developmental need within 10-11 year old children to reinforce their social skills just prior to the onset of puberty. And Dancing Classrooms is now being replicated throughout the US and Canada with requests from several other international sites. As with the Montessori and Suzuki programs, at the heart of Dancing Classrooms is a method – the Dulaine Method.
 From Wikipedia:
The Dulaine Method philosophy

Respect & Compassion: At the very core of the Dulaine Method philosophy is the essential respect that goes into being a Lady and being a Gentleman. Dancing Classrooms is a program that demands that the children not only treat others with respect but also encourages the children to respect themselves.
Coupled with respect is compassion. Perhaps it is Pierre's own childhood that predisposes him to walk into a classroom full of children who struggle to believe in themselves, open his arms and heart to them, and then guide them gently along a journey that leads these young people to joy and accomplishment.
Respect and compassion are the foundational elements of the Dulaine Method. Unfortunately, very few adults know how to genuinely treat children with respect. And even fewer adults seem to remember what it was like being a child.
Being Present: Probably the most difficult skill for any teacher to learn is the ability to be completely in the moment when they are teaching. Children in particular are extremely aware of when the adult in charge (parent, teacher, coach) is not really there; and when a child senses that distance, woe be unto that adult. Pierre’s ability to "be here now" enables him to observe every subtle nuance of student, and group, behavior. He can see when a child is nervous, not paying attention, when the group is becoming antsy and he can respond to those issues immediately, thus keeping the classroom experience flowing. Being present also allows Pierre to express his own positive emotions towards the children at precisely the moment the children need that affirmation.
Creating a Safe Place:  Asking children to take the extraordinary risk of embarrassing themselves in front of their peers is precisely what Dancing Classrooms does. And the only reason that the children are willing to take this risk is because Pierre has perfected a way to make that experience safe. A Dancing Classrooms class is a place in which everyone is equal: the students, the Teaching Artist, and the elementary school staff that are participating. In modern jargon we call this creating a therapeutic milieu, an environment so different from these children's normal daily environment that simply being in that room and being part of that collective group experience changes that child.
Command & Control: Clearly, if you are going to move 25 children through twenty 45 minute classes and have them successfully learn seven dances, you need order and discipline. Pierre is in command of the class from the moment he begins until the moment the children leave the room. An essential part of the Dulaine Method is developing the craft of managing the Group. When teachers are being taught how to work with children their training is invariably focused on individual child development. Rarely, if ever, are student teachers taught about group dynamics and how to manage a group of children.
Language: Body & Verbal Language, both body and verbal, are the great connectors in Dancing Classrooms. Pierre's entire physical affect is one of openness, warmth, and genuine affection for the children. His verbal repertoire is a consistent barrage of positive comments. There is no denying that when Pierre combines his body and verbal language he is a force the children simply cannot resist.
Humor & Joy: Dulaine has been commended for bringing humor to the classroom. Gentle humor can help a shy child become less self-conscious; humor with that same child handled poorly can make him retreat and never come back out. He is playful, he is present, and the children can sense that he is just plain happy to be with them. He also has this little habit of playfully slapping the students at Dancing Classrooms with his tie.
Being in such a safe place, where the boundaries are clear, the teacher is fully present, where respect and compassion reign – these are the elements that bring joy into the lives of the Dancing Classrooms children. And, as one Teaching Artist states: Dancing Classrooms is not about teaching ballroom dancing. The dance is a tool for getting the children to break down social barriers, learn about honor and respect, treat others carefully, improve self-confidence, communicate and cooperate, and accept others even if they are different.  To learn more you can go here.

Another Movie I really like is Precious, This movie is hard to watch as it is very disturbing to see this girl treated so badly by her mother, the only place she has anyone who cares about her is at school, the ending is very good, but you have to sit through a ton of bad to get there. Have the tissues handy and watch this high school teacher change the way this young woman sees herself and the world around her.    

1 comment:

  1. I really appreciated the fact that Precious was able to overcome her adversities to allow herself to have a better life, but you were right in stating it is necessary to have tissues handy.
