Saturday, September 1, 2012


This week you should make at least one post that responds to these questions: What does it mean to be a counselor? Why are counselors important in your area (i.e. school counseling, higher education, mental health counseling, etc.)? With that being said, why do you want to be a counselor? How do you plan to contribute to the lives of your students/clients/community?
I also encourage you to make one additional post this week on your own topic related (or semi-related) to counseling, mental health, etc.

       The ACA defines the description of counseling as such “Counseling is a professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, families, and groups to accomplish mental health, wellness, education, and career goals”.  In short what being a counselor means to me are these same things with the big emphasis on EMPOWERS! I feel that as a counselor first and foremost is do no harm, and empowerment is the most amazing thing to see when a client goes through the metamorphosis and is truly empowered through understanding and enlightenment through the counseling process. In my area of higher education counseling is important for many reasons, education and career goals stand out of course, but in reality this arena may well be the only place that diverse groups from all walks of life come together in a structured atmosphere, culturally diverse, by race, age, gender, SES, sexual orientation, religion or any other cultural difference can be found on one campus and many times in one classroom. 

        I am a counselor because I believe in education and career goals.  I believe that the adult and higher education system is difficult to navigate for many students especially in our geographic region where many are first generation college students. Jumping through the hoops can become overwhelming for even the savviest of students. I enjoy helping them navigate the process from every aspect. From financial aid to time management, through probation schedules to grief counseling it all happens in the area of higher education.  In being a counselor at the community and technical college system I have the ability to change people’s lives and inspire and empower students and their families to set and achieve goals in all aspects of their lives, adding skilled, empowered and motivated individuals to the community and workforce.


  1. EMPOWERS!!! What a strong word and a selfless word too. As I navigated my way through college I was very self-determined and kept on pushing to find answers but i found myself confused and frustrated many times. I didn't have the help and guidance of a counselor that might would have esed my stress and frustrations. I applaude you for your dedication to help those who are finding their way to reach their success, I hope there are many with such diligence to help those folks navigate through their higher education experience.

  2. When I was a beginning college student, I sure could have used an Eric in my life!! I think the reason that so many freshmen struggle with college is that they don't have the proper guidance. Being away from home for the first time is scary. Even if you are not a first generation college student, there are so many decisions to be made and the stress level is high. Like you stated, you are thrown into a diverse melting pot when you enter college. I think that is one of the many benefits of college -- getting to know people from all backgrounds and walks of life. "To inspire and empower" is a motto that all couselors should live by. Good luck, Eric, as you continue to encourage others to reach for their dreams.
